The New Blog

9:52 pm

Well, here we are. Welcome to the new PPS Equity blog. I’m ready to restore my old blog to its former status of a personal blog. I’m especially psyched to turn people loose on the forum. The blog format is a little limiting and difficult to use as a discussion forum, so hopefully this will open things up. You can still comment on blog posts, of course, but on the forum, you can start your own topics.

The original idea of this site was to be a place for data and policy analysis. I still hope to make that happen, but in the mean time, the blog and forum are available as community resources.

I’d like very much to open up the blog to guest bloggers. If you’re interested, please drop me a line at ppsequity at rawley dot org.

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Steve Rawley published PPS Equity from 2008 to 2010, when he moved his family out of the district.

filed under: Blog, Equity, Forum

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5 Responses

  1. Comment from Terry:

    I love the design, the look, the feel of this new site, Steve. It’s clean, simple, and straighforward. I especially like the forum option.

    Great idea and great work!

  2. Comment from Steve Rawley:

    Thanks, Terry. The design is based on a WordPress Theme by Robbie Williams (see credit link on the footer). I basically substituted a pencil for a banana in the header (I kid you not!), and left the rest pretty much as Robbie published it.

    I’m interested to see how the forum works out going forward. There are tons of bells and whistles, which I think kind of clutter things up. I may disable some of these later, but for now, I’m running with the default features enabled.

    I hope people let me know if they have any trouble using things!

  3. Comment from Dr. Dapo:

    Thanks Steve-you are a true communuty person. We have lost our purpose of direction. We have lost our sense of community. We find ourselves pouring our waters in the basket. We need to be concerned about the youth in every aspect of our lives. THey are the future. It is a fact. The youth picks it up where we left off. It has been a disaster–condition of our youth, especially the African American youth. It seems they have been abandoned, forgotten, left out and threw-away. We need must re-connect, re-build and re-energize our community. We must stay connected.

  4. Comment from Steve Rawley:

    Dr. Dapo, I am humbled by your praise.

    The problems of our African American youth are, of course, part of the ongoing legacy of economic oppression. No school system can solve these problems on its own. We need to address issues of race and class on a much larger scale.

    But it seems our current PPS policy actually exacerbates these problems. While you could debate whether or not it is intentional, PPS policies are effectively a form of institutional racism.

    It is my opinion that as long as Jefferson High School is considered a “black” high school, this city will allow it to fail its students.

    If all of the Jefferson cluster’s students attended Jefferson, instead of transferring out, the school would be a wonderfully multi-cultural school, while still maintaining a strong black plurality. Then it would be much harder for Portland’s citizens to throw up their hands and declare defeat.

    That’s why I want to foster cross-cultural bonds, and part of the reason I started this Web site.

  5. Comment from Steve Buel:

    Great new site, Steve. I am looking forward to many hours of great dialogue.