School board candidate forum

The Portland Public Schools board of education has arranged a candidate forum, moderated by the League of Women Voters of Portland, according to a letter to the five candidates.

The forum will be next Tuesday, August 26 in the board room at BESC, and televised live on cable channel 28.

Candidates will be given two minutes to give an opening statement, in which they are expected to address two points: “1) While Board members must reside in a geographic zone, they are sworn to represent the entire district. If nominated, how do you intend to balance that? 2) Do you intend to run for election to the seat next spring? Why or why not?”

After opening statements, a League of Women Voters moderator will ask each candidate questions covering the following five topics:

  1. equity among schools,
  2. funding,
  3. K-8 schools,
  4. parent involvement, and
  5. the achievment gap.

Candidates will have 60-90 seconds to give their answers to the questions from the moderator.

After questions from the moderator, existing board members will have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions, or questions on other topics.

With the entire forum is scheduled for one hour, it is difficult to imagine much depth of discussion. But then again, if the rumors are true that they’ve already chosen their man, there’s no point wasting any more time than that.

The Oregonian is interviewing candidates this week, but it is unknown whether they will publish their endorsement before the forum.

Steve Rawley published PPS Equity from 2008 to 2010, when he moved his family out of the district.