In the news: teachers take on “Race to the Top” nation-wide; PPS staff recommend hip hop charter

9:17 pm

Teachers and their unions are gearing up to take on the Obama administration’s pro-charter, pro-merit pay “Race to the Top” initiative. Paul Abowd writes in Labor Notes reports that teachers from New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles met recently in LA “to bring a vision of education reform that puts educators, not ‘education management organizations,’ in the driver’s seat.”

Kim Melton reports on that PPS staff are recommending the school board approve a charter high school with a focus on hip hop, modeled on the High School for Recording Arts in Minneapolis.

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Steve Rawley published PPS Equity from 2008 to 2010, when he moved his family out of the district.

filed under: Charter Schools, Labor Relations, Media, Privatization, Reform

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3 Responses

  1. Comment from howard:

    I’m looking forward to their vision of education reform and solid reasons for putting educators, not “education management organizations,” in the driver’s seat.

  2. Comment from marcia:

    Hip Hop? What next? GEESH!

  3. Comment from Ken:

    The Board of Assessment and Teaching weighed in on the Race to the Top. Their letter to the DOE outlines their major concerns with the RttT (which is also the blueprint for the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind).

    Worth reading. I’ve also put up a run-down of the concerns here:

