Counselor will sue district

Madison High Counselor David Colton has filed claim against PPS for defamation, in a case related to his forced transfer, a student walkout and the no-confidence vote in principal Pat Thompson, according to a Mercury blog post by Matt Davis.

Colton was popular with students in part for the way he helped them circumvent the Gate’s sponsored “small school” academic silos, forced on Madison (and also Marshall, Roosevelt and Jefferson) by Vicki Phillips.

It’s nice to see somebody at the Merc pay some attention to Portland Public Schools. A tip of the PPS Equity hat to Matt Davis.

Correction: an earlier version of this story misidentified Madison vice-principal David Hamilton, who is named in Colton’s suit, as principal of Madison. Hamilton leads one of three “small schools” at Madison. Principal Pat Thompson oversees all three.

Steve Rawley published PPS Equity from 2008 to 2010, when he moved his family out of the district.