A few facts about PK-8
April 21, 2008 7:10 am
Number of students in grades 6-8 in PPS: 9,866
Percent assigned to a traditional middle school (6-8): 55%
Percent assigned to a PK-8 (or some variant): 45%
Of those assigned to a traditional middle school, percent in the Cleveland, Wilson and Lincoln clusters: 57%
Percent in the Jefferson, Madison and Roosevelt clusters: 8%
Number of middle schools in the Jefferson, Madison and Roosevelt clusters: 1
Number of middle schools in the Wilson cluster: 2
Basic size of FTE budget allotted to teach the entire middle school curriculum in a typical PK-8 with around 75 middle schoolers: about 3
Size of the FTE budget alloted to teach at a typical middle school with around 450 students: about 20
Number of middle schoolers at Humboldt: 33
Number of middle schoolers at Boise-Elliot: 48
Number of middle schoolers at Robert Gray Middle School: 494
Source: School Profiles & Enrollment Data, 2007-2008, Portland Public Schools
Steve Rawley published PPS Equity from 2008 to 2010, when he moved his family out of the district.
filed under: Data Crunch, Equity, K-8 Transistion